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Henriette – :
The last, glorious chapter: #3 of The Villains
The Villains series was supposed to be a duology (The Fixer, Chaos Agent) but the ever creative and devious mind of author Lee Winter (nudged by an avid reader) thankfully came up with Number Six as a glorious finale and great send-off. Ottilie, yes THE Ottilie Zimmermann, PA extraordinaire gets her turn at redemption and orchestrates some serious vengeance plans for professionals – wink.
Mind you: a lot of joy in reading this book lies in encountering characters from the first two books of The Villains series (Snakepit to the rescue and I adore Safta) and seeing how more villains get their due. So buckle up for a very enjoyable ride where Ottilie meets her match (pun intended).
What I loved most about this book was the amazing range of topics the story touches on and the gamut of emotions evoked: there is Monique, the brilliant sex educator with hot and spicy scenes, there are moments I had to laugh out loud, there were vulnerable, disturbing, thought-provoking scenes, satisfying vengeance exacted on creeps (go ninja warrior), delightful meetings with known and newly introduced characters (go June) and there is love ambushing both Monique and Ottilie when they think they are settled in their ways at 52 and 65.
Lee‘s writing is brilliant, sharp and a joy to read. I feel a bit bereaved that this series and The Fixers has come to its end, but what a glorious end it was!
I received an ARC. The review is left voluntarily