
Daughter of Fire: Conspiracy of the Dark by Karen Frost

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Book one in the Destiny and Darkness series

Author: Karen Frost


A young adult fantasy novel for young and old. Part one of the Destiny and Darkness series.

I am the daughter of winter. My people are strong and unbending as ice. I was born with the frozen winds sweeping through my hair, with snow dusted across my skin. I am. I am. I am…

For Aeryn, a girl born to the remote, wintry Ice Crown region of Ilirya, the outside world is a fantasy: a series of wonderful stories told by occasional passing travellers. She never imagines anything for her life beyond following in her parents’ footsteps.

But the discovery that she has the rare gift of magic shatters her isolated world. Aeryn can create and tame fire. It’s an intoxicating, raw, and thrilling power, but it also sets her apart. And her gift attracts attention.

She is whisked from her home in the wilds to train at Windhall University and master her magic. There, Aeryn slowly learns the truth about the real world, with its strange mix of people and powers, and so many intertwining threads of shadows and light. She’s drawn to unattainable Lyse, a beautiful healer in training who makes Aeryn’s heart soar. But she also senses a creeping darkness all around that could threaten the future of the kingdom itself.


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Publication Date

September 2019


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


76,000 words




978-3-96324-268-7 (mobi), 978-3-96324-269-4 (epub), 978-3-96324-270-0 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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4 reviews for Daughter of Fire: Conspiracy of the Dark by Karen Frost

  1. Karola


    ***free ARC
    Wow, what a great story. Although I was a bit struggling with all the foreign names and places, the story of Aeryn becoming a war mage is exciting. All the things she has to learn to use her magic and what’s important in her future life is overwhelming and soon she suspects there’s something going on in the city. And her heart is more and more falling for the beautiful Lyse.
    Can’t wait for the second part..

  2. Carolyn McBride


    This is my second review of this book. The internet gremlins stole the first one, a very long one, I might add.

    I cannot get this book out of my head!
    I used to read more fantasy than I do nowadays, so I hesitated all of a minute when I had the chance to get this book as an ARC. (Thank you to Ylva for the opportunity)
    The cover is gorgeously eye-catching, one that would make an excellent poster.

    We are introduced to Aeryn’s world and interact with it, through her eyes and experiences. We feel ill when she does, writhe with the power of uncontrolled magic with her and feel her confusion and fear as her world is turned upside down. The world-building in this story is excellent. We are sucked in at once and there’s nothing to distract us from the story. In fact, I came to resent the fact that I had to cook and do dishes. Didn’t my family care I was engrossed in a phenomenal story? Ha! No…they didn’t.
    Aeryn’s world is turned upside down and we are right beside her as she tries to make sense of her travelling companions that are still mysteries to her as they part company. We are as unsettled as she is, as new to everything as she is and we ARE Aeryn. Have I mentioned this book will pull you in?

    The ending is a sticking point for many reviewers, but I understand why this book closed the way it did. When a manuscript is large, it’s not always easy to find a stopping point that serves both story and readers.
    But this ending rocks Aeryn’s world, and ours.
    It literally took my breath away. Like, I had to remind myself to breathe.
    I cannot wait to see what Aeryn does with this new knowledge in the next book, which I understand will follow this one shortly.

    If I have to pay for it, I gladly will.

    I will read this one again and again. It’s that good. I suspect I’ll find new things to gush about on my next reading.

    Get this. Prepare for an ending that is not the end while you prepare to get the next book. Because you’ll want to know what happens next.

  3. Betty Harmon


    I generally don’t read many fantasy novels. It’s not that I don’t like a good fantasy story, but many books tend to have a few elements that I just can’t stand. For instance, many fantasy stories have names for characters and places that are thirty letters long, twenty-nine of which are consonants with a vowel thrown in just for fun. The words are totally unpronounceable and very easy to forget or mix up. I generally never make it past the second page of novels like this before I’ve tossed it aside and moved on. I hesitated to choose Daughter of Fire: Conspiracy of the Dark (Destiny of the Dark #1) by Karen Frost even though the introductory blurb sounded really good. My partner, who loves Science Fiction and fantasy genres, convinced me to read it, and I am so glad she did. Thank you, Honey!
    This is the story of Aeryn, a young girl who lives in the remote northern village of Thamir, on the northern edge of the kingdom of Ilirya. Thamir and the other small villages along the northern border are known collectively as the Ice Crown, and the people are Ice Crowners. Because of the remoteness of the area, Aeryn only knows about the rest of the kingdom through stories that sound like myths to her. Her fifteenth birthday changes her life when she suddenly begins to create and manipulate fire. This is powerful magic that soon draws attention to her, and she is kidnapped and taken to the King’s City where she will be trained as a war mage in Windhall University. This is a totally foreign place to Aeryn, though she does make a few friends including Lyse, a young woman Aeryn is attracted to. There is a dark power creeping into the kingdom, though, and this spells danger for everyone.
    I was drawn into this story on the very first page. Thanks to the writing skills of Ms. Frost, I not only read the tale, I lived it with the characters. Her skill at world building is exceptional, which is a must for a great fantasy story. Her settings are vibrant and real. The characters are easy to connect with. The storyline is compelling. And best of all, no twenty-nine consonants plus one vowel words.
    By now, I’m sure that most of you know this book ends on a cliffhanger with the rest of the tale coming out in a little over a month from now. At least it isn’t like our favorite tv shows that end the season with the lead actor standing in the doorway asking his girlfriend to marry him with the credits rolling right after we see her shocked face (The Big Bang Theory). Even worse, spending a whole summer wondering, “Who shot J.R.?” Yes, I know I dated myself with that one. (For you young’uns, that’s from the seventies/eighties show Dallas)
    I know it can be difficult to wait when a story is this good, but I believe it’ll be worth it. I know I’m glad I read this book, and I will be getting the next book as soon as I can.

    I received an ARC from Ylva Publishing for an honest review.

  4. Charlie Westrin

    (verified owner):

    Growing up in the harsh Ice crown Aeryn discovers she has magic, and the price for having it.‬
    ‪Interesting magic system‬ – I like that magic takes its toll in the user and the affinity-system. I also like that they start small and that there is a limit to the powers. I feel this makes magic more realistic. The struggle when Aeryn tries to understand magic on her own is a very refreshing take on the learning experience.
    ‪MC not being invincible‬ – No protagonist should start out being invincible, they should be shaped by the event which they endure!
    ‪Slow burn‬ – Actually it’s mostly burn during this book, but it’s sweet and it’s angst is very YA.
    ‪Abrupt ending (but it has a sequel)‬

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