It’s All Punk Rock

Jen Giacalone, one of Ylva’s newest authors, and host of the Greek Girls Story Salon podcast, talks about her varying degrees of interest in smut and more emotional scenes. Do you love steamy wlw sex scenes? The kind that [...]

Trying polyamory?

After another breakup, French lesbian activist Élie Chevillet felt like exploring other ways to love. She reports back on what she’s found. Falling for someone, consuming the passion to the fullest, and dropping the relationship as soon as it’s [...]


In her first guest-blog post, author and communication professor-emeritus ANA K. WRENN discussed the challenges of racial colorblindness. In this continuation, she explores how the roots of racism have spread across cultures, manifesting in various ways. Like an invasive [...]


“Not seeing color” is a common way to announce we’re all the same under our skin, and to point out we’re not racist. But as author and communication professor-emeritus ANA K. WRENN explains, racial colorblindness, in books and beyond, [...]

Showing 11–20 of 698 results

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