
Reasons to Heal by Jenn Matthews

(5 customer reviews)

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Author: Jenn Matthews


A beautiful lesbian romance about wants, love, family, and duty, asking when is the right time to live our own life and dreams.

English police constable Molly Blue is devastated when an assault forces her to endure weeks of therapy and disrupts her promising career. The cute physiotherapist getting her back on her feet is an intriguing distraction at least.

Physiotherapist Kudzi Mufaro is a bold, confident woman in every area of her life except one. She hasn’t told her Zimbabwean parents she’s gay. That probably explains the parade of men her family keeps trotting past her nose. Is it time to finally be honest?

But when Molly takes a visit home, it rocks her to the core. She is forced to decide whether to stay and look after her sister or not. It would mean giving up her career and any hope of something more with Kudzi.


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Publication Date

July 2020


epub (for Kindle Reader/Kindle Apps, for iBooks, Nook etc.), mobi, and pdf


75,000 words




978-3-96324-374-5 (mobi), 978-3-96324-375-2 (epub), 978-3-96324-376-9 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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5 reviews for Reasons to Heal by Jenn Matthews

  1. Karola


    ***free ARC
    A really good story, with lots of characters you‘d like to know in real life. I can imagine how difficult it must be to have parents with a view of gay people that isn‘t acceptable. At the end of the book everything happens a little bit fast and Kudzis parents, who reacted very badly before to gay people, are now accepting of Kudzis life. All in all I liked this book, acceptance is still a problem, but for me the last part of this book happens too fast.

  2. Miira


    Here’s a refreshing take on the doc/patient trope. This time, the main characters are a physiotherapist (Kudzi) and a new police (Molly), still in training.

    The story gets going when Molly is injured during a routine arrest. Getting back in shape takes quite a bit longer than she thought, she lives alone in a small flat, her little sister is rebelling… but hey, at least her physiotherapist is cute!

    The medical side of things, such as physical therapy, group sessions, and slow recovery are believable and not too detailed. The romance is slow burn and sweet but not schmaltzy. At times I felt like it would be really easy to fall for Kudzi.. and wanted to shout at Molly.

    Themes of culture clash, responsibilities and coming out were handled nicely and all the characters seemed real. Another solid novel from Jenn; four stars!

    Helen & Nikki! Lucy! Asking for consent! The ASMR-y hand thing! Waita zvako (the language nerd in me was delighted)!

  3. Patricia Iserman


    Interesting look into the lives of a family that moved from Zimbabwe to UK.
    Kudzi’s family immigrated when she was 2 years old.
    Molly is a born and bred UK girl.
    So we have two women of extremely different backgrounds suddenly finding themselves attracted to each other .
    Of course all does NOT go smoothly but the journey is fascinating.
    Well worth reading.

    “Homosexuality, same-sex relations used to be accepted and commonplace in Zimbabwe prior to colonisation by Rhodesian and British governments,which in turn has spread the erroneous belief that homosexuality is un-African or a Western product and therefore illegal with heavy penalties.“

  4. Chris Hooker


    *Free ARC copy

    In Matthews third book she continues to flex her ability to explore the human condition. In this book she tackles culture and family. The struggles to overcome fear and insecurity as individuals as well as a couple are faced within this novel. Fear is the enemy but love is stronger

  5. Betty Harmon


    Reasons to Heal by Jenn Matthews sounded really promising when I read the blurb. I knew I liked Ms. Matthews writing. This is the third book I’ve read by her, and she is a consistently skilled writer.
    The premise of this book is a really good one. I liked the story idea of a police officer trainee (Molly) being hurt on the job, and then becoming attracted to her physiotherapist (Kudzi). I loved the diversity of the story with Kudzi and her family being from Zimbabwe and Molly’s younger sister being deaf. Ms. Matthews obviously did her research on these two aspects of the story, and it definitely made the tale better.
    My biggest problem came with the main characters themselves. I had trouble connecting with them, and I really didn’t like some of their actions toward each other. I actually liked Lucy, one of the secondary characters, better than I liked her friend Molly for most of the book.
    This is a very slow-burn romance, which I did enjoy. I do think Ms. Matthews did an excellent job with the romance part of the novel.
    Overall, this is just an okay story for me. There are parts that I really loved, but not having connected with the main characters left me disappointed.

    Thanks to Ylva Publishing for the chance to read and honestly review this novel.

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