Just Physical by Jae

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Book Five in The Hollywood Series

Author: Jae


It was supposed to be just a one-night stand with a sexy stunt woman in this lesbian romance featuring a character with a disability

After being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, twenty-five-year-old Jill Corrigan takes herself off the romantic market. Not wanting to become a burden to a potential partner, she focuses on her career as an actress instead. On the set of a disaster movie, she meets stunt woman Kristine “Crash” Patterson, whose easy smile instantly makes Jill wish things were different.

Meanwhile, Crash is trained to fall, but she didn’t count on falling in love. Despite their growing feelings for each other, Jill resolves to let Crash into her bed, but not her heart. As they start to play with fire on and off camera, will they really be able to keep things just physical?

Just Physical is part of The Hollywood Series but can stand alone too.

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Publication Date

November 18, 2015


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116,000 words




978-3-95533-535-9 (mobi), 978-3-95533-536-6 (epub), 978-3-95533-537-3 (pdf)


Ylva Publishing

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6 reviews for Just Physical by Jae

  1. Ameliah Faith


    Thank you Jae

    This is the long awaited story about Jill in Jae’s Hollywood series. Jill was diagnosed with MS two years ago Since then she has pretty much lived like a hermit. She refuses to date for fall in love because she doesn’t want anyone to see her weakness or to be saddled with the burden of caring for her as her disease progresses. That is all fine and noble until she meets her stunt double Crash.

    She and Crash are drawn to each other but Jill is sticking to her rule to go it alone. Despite Jill’s wishes Crash wants to be let in. will Crash run when the MS rears its ugly head or will she stick around and face the disease as a team?

    Oh how I loved this story!! Jill so deserves to find happiness and love of her own. She is a stubborn, mule headed woman but the wonderful Crash is her perfect match. Both characters are engaging, lovable and touching. Their story is beautiful and very sensual! I loved watching them overcome their fears and grow into wiser people.

    Crash’s decision to find our as much as possible before getting involved with Jill is mature and speaks to her character. She does not go blindly into the relationship with out knowing what is in store for both her and Jill so she would not hurt Jill if it were something she could not cope with. That decision made me love her all the more.

    Oh Jae, you have totally done it again. I sincerely thank you!

  2. Kristi Stringer


    Wonderful! This is the first book I have read in the Hollywood series and I am definitely going back for more.

    Both Jill and Crash are delightful characters, who are multifaceted and enganging. I felt the chemistry between them as if they were in the same room as me and I found myself cheering their rocky-start relationship on.

    As a disclaimer I should say I don’t have an illness like MS, however I really appreciated the way it was handled. It was a big part of the story, yet as something that really affects every part of Jill’s life I think it was given the gravity it needed. Possible spoiler, but I also liked that there was no magic cure or easy fix for Jill, as that is not realistic with MS.

    Also, I will be honest, when I first saw the cover and read the description I thought it would be a light, pleasantly smutty easy read. Once again, possible spoiler but while there was definitely erotic elements, there was also so much more culminating in a well rounded novel.

  3. gracie320

    (verified owner):

    I didn’t meant to finish this in one go but I couldn’t stop once I hit the part where Crash and Jill met.

    I really enjoyed Damaged Control which is why I bought this but wow this is in a league of its own. It’s really addicting and it felt realistic to the point where I was scared with the characters. You end up rooting Jill and Crash not just together but as individuals.

    I loved this. It was a great way to spend a Sunday.

  4. Louisette Lépine

    (verified owner):

    It was first the blurb that enticed me in reading Just Physical.

    I’ve been with my wife for over 25 years now and when I met her she had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and was in a critical and hard inflamation crisis; but nothing could have stopped me from falling in love with her. We shared some hard times (who doesn’t) but we are bound together come rain or come shine.

    I found it very descriptive of the ups and downs that affect the personality of both women who travel on this bumpy road but love each other in and out.

    She has been on a therapeutic treatment for 2 years now and it helps a lot.

    Thank you Jae

  5. stephasselin


    Jill Corrigan is a dedicated actress. She works hard to be the best at what she does, she even forced herself to make radical changes in her life after finding out she has multiple sclerosis. She can pretend all she wants that those changes are not affecting her but choosing to never get attached to someone becomes a real struggle once she meets her stunt double, the great Kristine ‘’Crash’’ Patterson on the set of her latest movie. Watching their friendship grows so fast and seeing Crash burst every wall Jill ever put up is a pleasure to read in Just Physical, by Jae.

    In true Jae’s fashion, this story is a fun, captivating, smartly written story. Jae always finds a way to bring unusual topics in her books, let it be MS, or asexuality, even putting some of her characters in a stationery store for her latest book.

    She is an amazing writer who can bring challenging parts of a character into life, while still making them strong hard-headed women not to be reckoned with. I always admire her writing for that and Just Physical only adds to the list of wonderful stories I’ve loved from her.

    I loved Jill’s character even more than I did in the previous book of the series. She is smart and funny. Her strength was impressive before, but even more in this book. Jae has a wonderful talent to bring out the strength in every character she writes so that no matter what they are going through, they still impress the readers with it.
    Crash’s character comes in the story with such a force and a sweet side, sweet enough to sweep Jill off her feet, but strong enough to pull up with her stubbornness. Sure she comes with her baggage, but the fact that she knows what she wants out of life and knows how to fight for it is remarkable.

    I have a special mention for Grace and Lauren, whom I’ve loved in Damage Control and was so excited to see them again in Just Physical.
    I really suggest this book to every late reader like I was, who finally got the chance to read it last month, after months of having in it my Wishlist. Every book Jae write are a sure value, this one is no exception.

    Grab your copy, you won’t regret it.

    *I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

  6. Jenn Matthews


    I expect a well-written romance when I approach Jae’s work, but this was something extra. A story with a lot of tension, internal conflict, and a shed load of chemistry! Well-rounded characters, the sensitively explored issue of MS, and quite a few steamy scenes (more than I’m used to) made this book a lovely read.

    No need to read the 3 that come before, however, they do make the experience more whole. The addition of a dog in any book is a bonus!

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