Bought it yet? Amazon #1 bestseller Popcorn Love

Cover to Ylva Publishing novel Popcorn Love by KL HughesIf you like your romance sweet, funny, and with a nice, slow burn, you should really check out Popcorn Love.

And if you do, you won’t be alone: this sweet, heartwarming tale of when opposites attract, has been out now less than a week and yet has already shot up to the number one spot on Amazon’s bestseller list for lesbian fiction in the US, Australia and Canada. Even we almost can’t believe how unstoppable this book is.


About Popcorn Love:

A prominent figure amongst New York City’s fashion elite, Elena Vega has nearly everything: a highly successful business, a mansion-like home, and a precocious three-year-old son, Lucas. The one thing she does not have is a romantic partner. At the persistent urging of her closest friend, Vivian, Elena reluctantly agrees to a string of blind dates if Vivian can find a suitable babysitter for Lucas. Enter Allison Sawyer, a free-spirited senior at New York University.

The two couldn’t be more different from each other – Elena a straight-laced rich girl and Allison a by-your-bootstraps former foster kid. But Elena is intrigued by Allison’s ability to push her out of her element, and impressed by her instant and easy connection with the normally shy Lucas. As her blind dates turn out more and more disastrous, Elena begins to realize that the person possessing all the qualities she most desires might just be the woman in front of her the entire time.

Come and find out what all the fuss is about. Buy Popcorn Love now on Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, All Romance eBooks, and Apple. We promise you’ll fall in love with this Madison Ave meets Greenwich Village romantic comedy that has just the right dose of snarky banter and achingly beautiful romance.

Oh, and Lucas wants you to know: dinosaurs are cool.

Learn more about Popcorn Love

Learn more about KL Hughes

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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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