Everyone starts with at least one resolution into a new year – even if it’s just the one to not have a resolution.
We asked our authors about their resolutions for 2015 and here is what they told us:

[two_third_last]Lois Cloarec Hart:
I glanced back at my 2014 resolution concerning my writing and found I went totally awry. I set only one goal for myself, and I didn’t even begin it. Instead I produced one book, Bitter Fruit, that wasn’t even on the drawing board on Jan 1st, 2014, and I’m now seven chapters into another, Paper Mansions, that also wasn’t in my plans at that time. So, knowing full well that on Jan 1st, 2016, I may look back and remember anew that the gods laugh when we make plans, I hereby resolve to complete the first draft of Paper Mansions before I return to Canada in April, 2015. I also intend to have the bulk of my research done for the next book, The Wheel’s Edge, which is the one I had resolved to finish in 2014. I’m now projecting completion of Wheel sometime in 2016. I know—I’m the turtle, not the hare, but I console myself that it was the turtle who ultimately won the race.[/two_third_last]
For 2015, I hope everything will continue to go as smoothly as it did in 2014. I plan on writing two new novels, revising and republishing my romantic suspense Next of Kin, and translating two of my novels into German.
May Dawney:
Last year I took a huge leap: not only did I get back into writing after many years of neglecting the craft, but I accepted Ylva’s offer to write professionally. It’s been a very wild ride since then, and 2015 is shaping up to be even wilder. At this point I have three books and two short stories I want to finish in the new year, but due to time restraints, I’ll be very happy if I finish my first novel and the shorts for the upcoming Erotica and Halloween anthologies. Pacing myself has never been my strength, I fear.
New Year’s resolutions stress me out and I refuse to make any. When I look at all the promises the new year holds, however, I think I’m at the start of a wondrous journey that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. My New Year’s resolution—if I had to make one—would be to look back at the year come December and think “I squeezed everything out of the year that I possibly could.” If I will have managed to do that, I will consider myself a very lucky woman.

[two_third_last]RJ Nolan:
2014 was a year of contrasts for me. Some very low lows, offset by some equally great highs. The best of those highs was my latest novel, In a Heartbeat, becoming a #1 best seller on Amazon. For 2015, I am wishing for a more balanced year. In the upcoming year, I plan on learning to use Dragon Naturally Speaking for writing. I hope between that and a resolution to write more regularly, I can make some significance progress on Wounded Souls, which will be the next book in my L.A. Metro series.[/two_third_last]
Catherine Lane:
[two_third_last]R.G. Emanuelle:
2014 was a very productive year for me. I got involved in some cool projects and got published in some great anthologies. But I didn’t accomplish everything that I wanted to. So, my intention for 2015 is to complete the projects that I was unable to finish last year.
I had hoped to release another novella but I ran into some complications with the story, and I plan to find solutions to those problems. A few short stories are already in the works, aimed at specific markets. I also foresee another anthology or two taking shape in 2015. I’ll reveal details about those later in the year.
As a nonfiction, as well as fiction, writer, I hope to finish a really big project that’s been on the back burner for quite a long time. For years, I had put aside my fiction to focus on my nonfiction, then reversed it a few years ago and spent most of my writing time on fiction, at the expense of my nonfiction. In 2015, I hope to find a balance so that I can grow in both areas. It would be really great if I could come into a lot of money so I could do that for real!
Then there’s the usual stuff: lose weight, get in shape, finding the meaning of life, etc., etc. Let’s see what happens.[/two_third_last]
Jane Waterton:
2015 is shaping up to be a year of new adventures. With the help of the Ylva team, I will see my first novel published, which is incredibly exciting. This means that my main resolution for this year is to be focussed and open to new ideas. I would also like to come up with a title that I am happy with, as it appears I can create a story, but despite all my efforts the title eludes me!
My partner and I will also start building our house by the beach. This will involve compromise and negotiation, so the resolution here is for patience! Luckily, we agree on most things, so it shouldn’t be too hard.
My final resolution is to strive for the work/life balance, something I constantly need to be reminded of. So I am planning to spend a lot more time doing the things I love, spending time with the people I love and taking time to smell the roses and just relax is so important.
[two_third_last]Cori Kane:
I’m one of those hopefuls who always have many writing resolutions for the new year. I’m not going to say how many of them I actually stick to, but I’m excited for 2015 because I feel like I’ve come back to writing in 2014, and now I can start on projects I’ve pushed to the back burner during my years of studying.
For 2015, I’m planning on finishing a Christmas romance and a German romance from years back, writing a supernatural adventure from a first-person point of view, a time-travel novel, and another romance that takes place at a straight wedding. There will probably be short stories and fanfiction, too. You can find out more about these projects on my blog.
That’s a lot of writing for the new year. I’m looking forward to writing in 2015—whether I can stick to my resolutions or not.[/two_third_last]
Andi Marquette:
This year I’m focused on putting out another novel (romance), finishing book 4 in my sci fi series, the Far Seek Chronicles, and working on another in my New Mexico mystery series. I’m also developing a paranormal novella series and I’d like to have the first one out this coming fall, but I’m willing to be flexible given the other things I’m doing. R.G. Emanuelle and I are also thinking about co-editing another anthology, as well, because…well, we might be gluttons for punishment. Heh. Regardless, happy new year to everyone and may you find your joy in whatever you do.

[two_third_last]Blythe Rippon:
2014 was a very exciting year for me, with Ylva’s publication of my first novel Barring Complications. I’m overjoyed to have joined such an amazing community of writers and editors at Ylva. I’m currently working on another novel, which I expect will come out in 2015. To make it happen, my new year’s resolution is to wake up at 5am and write for an hour before my normal day begins. With young kids and a new job, it seems this plan might be the only way I find time for fiction writing. I used to be a morning person once upon a time; here’s hoping it’s like riding a bike. Happy 2015![/two_third_last]
Happy New Year from
The Ylva team
Happy New Year everyone. Ylva keep the good books coming.
Since I didn’t meet the deadline for replying to this, my New Years resolution is to be better at meeting deadlines, including the one for submitting my next novel to my editor at Ylva.
So one book for 2015, maybe more short stories, healthier eating and exercising (the usual ones), meeting my goals at work, and connecting more with friends.
Oh, of course, writing. Writing more, Facebook games less. 🙂