New Lesbian Fiction: The Return by Ana Matics

We are happy to announce that Ana Matics’ The Return is now available.

Here is what The Return is about:

Near Haven is like any other small, dying fishing village dotting the Maine coastline—a crusty remnant of an industry long gone, a place that is mired in sadness and longing for what was and can never be again. People move away, yet they always seem to come back. It’s a vicious cycle of small-town America.

Liza Hawke thought that she’d gotten out, escaped across the country on a basketball scholarship. A series of bad decisions, however, has her returning home after nearly a decade. She struggles to accept her place in the fabric of this small coastal town, making amends to the people she’s wronged and trying to rebuild her life in the process.

Her return marks the beginning of a shift within the town as the residents that she’s hurt so badly start to heal once more.

Ana Matics has penned a must-read lesbian fiction. If you’re looking for a brilliant diversion from real life, pick this one up from amazon. You won’t be sorry.

Astrid Ohletz


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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz


  1. Devlyn November 14, 2014 at 01:41 - Reply

    Looking forward to it.

  2. CJ November 14, 2014 at 06:45 - Reply

    It sounds really interesting – definitely one to read.

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