[three_fourth_last]We just love to give our readers a chance to win something.
Today we’re not only giving away
– two e-books version of Departure from the Script by Jae
but also
– two t-shirts (size 2x) featuring the cover of Departure from the Script.
If you want to participate in the giveaway, leave a comment or send an e-mail to info@ylva-publishing.com . The deadline for the giveaway is Monday 11.59 p.m. EST, which means 6 a.m. on Tuesday in Germany.
We’ll do the drawing on Tuesday and will then contact the winners directly.
In case you don’t want to wait and see if you won a copy: Departure from the Script is available as e-book from Amazon and Smashwords.[/three_fourth_last]
Please please please pick me for one of ebooks. Jae is my favorite author:<)
Put me down for an ebook. Love Jae’s work. Thanks!
I have the ebook and loved it. A t-shirt would be great fun. Thanks for the chance to win.
Enjoyed reading the ebook, would like a chance to win a t-shirt please
I met Jae at GCLS. I can’t believe there is something of hers I haven’t read. Please add my name to the drawing.
I would love to read this book!
I am very eager to start reading Jae’s books and would be thrilled to receive a copy. Thanks
I enjoy Jae’s books and had the pleasure of meeting her at the GCLS con. Aside from being a great author, she is a very nice person.
I really luv reading your books!!! Please pick me.
I love to read your book and look forward to 😉
I love Jae’s books and can’t wait to read this one. Live to read, love to read.
Read everything written by Jae, love it all what’s one more good read. Keep up the writing I’ll always be a fan.
I’d love to read this book! Add me, too. Jae is a terrific author.
I would love to read the e-book.
Love all of jae’s books, can’t wait to read this one. Count me in!!
I would love to have this one!
Love jae’s work! Would love to win the new book. 🙂
It would be awesome to win! Let’s hope I’ll be lucky!
Loved all Jae’s books so far. Please enter me for a copy. Of her newest ebook.
This would be awesome to win.
Would love to have the e-book or T-shirt. Thanks.
Love ebooks. Thanks for your generosity.
Would love to win. It was great to meet Jae in Portland.
Great to see a new Jae book 🙂
Just finished this yesterday. Loved it like I do all of Jae’s books. I’d love it in paperback and to have a cool t-shirt.
I have enjoyed reading Jae’s books. What a great author. Thank you for giving us a chance to win one of her books.
Fantastic ! Count me in please .
throw my name in that drawing, please.
I have & love all of Jae’s other books. Please enter me in the drawing for her new ebook. Thanks.
Count me in! 😀
Jae – Enjoy your work very much and would love to win a copy of “Departure from the Script”.