Call for submissions: Valentine’s Day anthology

Ylva Publishing is seeking romantic short stories for our first Valentine’s Day anthology. The anthology will be published as an e-book in February 2013.

All submissions must have romance between women as the main theme. The stories can be romantic, humorous, or erotic.

We accept only short stories that haven’t been previously published.

Word count:

We are looking for stories between 4,000 and 8,000 words in length.


Writers whose stories are selected for the anthology will receive a one-time payment of $40 (via PayPal) plus a free e-book of the anthology in each format (epub, mobi, pdf).


The deadline to receive submissions is December 15, 2012.


Electronic submissions only. Please send your story as an e-mail attachment (.doc, .docx, or .rtf) to Put “Valentine’s Day Anthology” in the subject line of your e-mail. In the body of your e-mail, please include your name, the title and word count of your story, and a two-or-three-sentence summary of your story.

It will take our editors about two weeks to review your submission; then we’ll get back to you.


Ylva Publishing is a publisher of women’s literature, focusing on lesbian fiction. We’re constantly seeking new, talented authors. We invite submissions of believable romances, mysteries, fantasy, and well-researched historical novels, novellas, and short stories.


For queries/submissions:


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About the Author : Astrid Ohletz

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